Blue Ghost's Diamond Ring

3 月 14 日,滿月滑過地球黑暗的本影,地球上的人們看到了月全食。當然,從月球近側看,同樣的天文現象也被看作是日食。藍幽靈號著陸器在月球表面的Mare Crisium 執行,於美國中部時間凌晨 3 : 30 左右捕捉到了這幅地球剪影的影片畫面,當時太陽正從地球圓盤後方出現。從 "藍幽靈 "號的月球視角看,美麗的鑽石環效果令人震撼,地球上的日食觀測者都很熟悉這種效果。由於從月球表面看,地球的表面大小約為太陽的四倍,因此日全食期間最容易從地球上看到的太陽大氣層--內日冕被遮擋住了。然而,在地球稠密的大氣層中的散射形成了擁抱我們美麗星球的熾熱陽光帶。
原文:On March 14 the Full Moon slid through Earth's dark umbral shadow and denizens of planet Earth were treated to a total lunar eclipse. Of course, from the Moon's near side that same astronomical syzygy was seen as a solar eclipse. Operating in the Mare Crisium on the lunar surface, the Blue Ghost lander captured this video frame of Earth in silhouette around 3:30am CDT, just as the Sun was emerging from behind the terrestrial disk. From Blue Ghost's lunar perspective the beautiful diamond ring effect, familiar to earthbound solar eclipse watchers, is striking. Since Earth appears about four times the apparent size of the Sun from the lunar surface the inner solar corona, the atmosphere of the Sun most easily seen from Earth during a total solar eclipse, is hidden from view. Still, scattering in Earth's dense atmosphere creates the glowing band of sunlight embracing our fair planet.
※ 本文由萌芽機器人自動轉貼自每日一天文圖(Astronomy Picture of the Day,APOD),原文為英文,正體中文是透過 DeepL 翻譯及 OpenCC 進行自動處理,內容僅供參考,若有任何錯誤之處還請見諒!