Tololo Totality

來源:Petr Horálek|發表日期:2025-03-15
3 月 14 日是滿月。為了慶祝圓周率日,月球與太陽在地球天空中的黃道經度相差 3 . 14 弧度( 180 度)。作為圓周率和夜空愛好者的額外收穫,這一天,月亮還在月全食中直接穿過地球的本影。在晴朗的天空中,月食的顏色會非常鮮豔。這幅來自智利 Cerro Tololo 天文臺的時間序列合成影像記錄了月圓的黑暗,反射著散射到地球陰影中的深紅色陽光。這張月球三聯照片捕捉到了持續約一小時的月全食階段的開始、中間和結束。在陰影邊緣較亮的月邊看到的微弱藍色是由於太陽光經過地球平流層臭氧層的過濾而產生的。 成長相簿: 2025 年 3 月月全食
原文:On March 14 the Moon was Full. In an appropriate celebration of Pi day, that put the Moon 3.14 radians (180 degrees) in ecliptic longitude from the Sun in planet Earth's sky. As a bonus for fans of Pi and the night sky, on that date the Moon also passed directly through Earth's umbral shadow in a total lunar eclipse. In clear skies, the colors of an eclipsed Moon can be vivid. Reflecting the deeply reddened sunlight scattered into Earth's shadow, the darkened lunar disk was recorded in this time series composite image from Cerro Tololo Observatory, Chile. The lunar triptych captures the start, middle, and end of the total eclipse phase that lasted about an hour. A faint bluish tint seen just along the brighter lunar limb at the shadow's edge is due to sunlight filtered through Earth's stratospheric ozone layer. Growing Gallery: Total Lunar Eclipse of 2025 March
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