Moon Pi and Mountain Shadow

來源:El Cielo de Canarias|發表日期:2025-03-14
哪個月相的月亮距離太陽 3 . 14 弧度?當然是滿月。儘管月亮看起來有好幾天都是滿月,但當它在黃道經度上與太陽相距∏弧度(又稱 180 度)時,才是真正的滿月。也就是地球天空中太陽的對面。 2020 年 3 月 9 日,太陽落山時,距離滿月時刻只有一個多小時,這顆橙色、略微扁平的月亮看起來仍然是滿月。這是從加那利島特內里費的泰德國家公園拍攝到的與落日相對的月亮。從海拔 3500 米左右的特德火山山頂附近看到的夕陽對面,是山峰升起的三角形陰影,一直延伸到地球稠密的大氣層中。左側遠處山脊線下方是特德天文臺的白色望遠鏡圓頂。今天, 2025 年 3 月 14 日,世界協調時 06 : 55 整,月球與太陽的距離為 Pi 弧度。此時距離三月滿月月全食的中點還有三分鐘。
原文:What phase of the Moon is 3.14 radians from the Sun? The Full Moon, of course. Even though the Moon might look full for several days, the Moon is truly at its full phase when it is Pi radians (aka 180 degrees) from the Sun in ecliptic longitude. That's opposite the Sun in planet Earth's sky. Rising as the Sun set on March 9, 2020, only an hour or so after the moment of its full phase, this orange tinted and slightly flattened Moon still looked full. It was photographed opposite the setting Sun from Teide National Park on the Canary Island of Tenerife. Also opposite the setting Sun, seen from near the Teide volcano peak about 3,500 meters above sea level, is the mountain's rising triangular shadow extending into Earth's dense atmosphere. Below the distant ridge line on the left are the white telescope domes of Teide Observatory. Today, March 14 2025, the moon is Pi radians from the Sun at exactly 06:55 UTC. That's about three minutes before the midpoint of the March Full Moon's total lunar eclipse.
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