NGC 1499 :加州星雲
NGC 1499: The California Nebula

來源:Toni Fabiani Mendez|發表日期:2025-03-10
卡拉菲亞女王的神話島嶼會存在於太空中嗎?也許不可能,但偶然的是,這個分子空間雲的輪廓與美國加利福尼亞州的輪廓遙相呼應。我們的太陽位於銀河系獵戶臂內,距離加利福尼亞星雲只有大約 1000 光年。這個經典的發射星雲也被稱為 NGC 1499 ,長約 100 光年。在這張特寫圖片上,加州星雲最突出的光芒是氫原子與失去已久的電子重新結合後發出的紅光,這些電子被高能星光剝離(電離)。最有可能提供高能星光,使星雲氣體電離的恆星是星雲右側明亮、熾熱、偏藍的英仙座。 加利福尼亞星雲是天文攝影師經常拍攝的一個目標,在漆黑的天空下,用廣角望遠鏡可以在昴宿星團不遠處的英仙座看到它。 探索你的宇宙隨機 APOD 生成器
原文:Could Queen Calafia's mythical island exist in space? Perhaps not, but by chance the outline of this molecular space cloud echoes the outline of the state of California, USA. Our Sun has its home within the Milky Way's Orion Arm, only about 1,000 light-years from the California Nebula. Also known as NGC 1499, the classic emission nebula is around 100 light-years long. On the featured image, the most prominent glow of the California Nebula is the red light characteristic of hydrogen atoms recombining with long lost electrons, stripped away (ionized) by energetic starlight. The star most likely providing the energetic starlight that ionizes much of the nebular gas is the bright, hot, bluish Xi Persei just to the right of the nebula. A regular target for astrophotographers, the California Nebula can be spotted with a wide-field telescope under a dark sky toward the constellation of Perseus, not far from the Pleiades. Explore Your Universe: Random APOD Generator
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