星爆星系 Messier 94
Starburst Galaxy Messier 94

美麗的宇宙島Messier 94 位於獵犬座北部,距離地球僅 1500 萬光年。這個面朝地球的螺旋星系是天文學家們的一個熱門目標,它的直徑約為 3 萬光年,螺旋臂穿過其寬闊的圓盤外圍。但是哈勃太空望遠鏡的這個視場跨越了 M 94 中心區域大約 7000 光年。這個清晰的特寫鏡頭可以看到星系緊湊、明亮的核和突出的內部塵埃通道,它們被一個由年輕、大質量恆星組成的顯著的藍色環包圍著。環中的大質量恆星的年齡似乎不到一千萬年,這表明該星系經歷了一個相應的恆星快速形成的明確時代。因此,雖然這個小而明亮的星系核是典型的賽弗類活動星系,但 M 94 也被稱為星爆星系。由於M 94 相對較近,天文學家可以詳細探索該星系恆星形成爆發的原因。 今日報道登月
原文:Beautiful island universe Messier 94 lies a mere 15 million light-years distant in the northern constellation of the hunting dogs, Canes Venatici. A popular target for earth-based astronomers, the face-on spiral galaxy is about 30,000 light-years across, with spiral arms sweeping through the outskirts of its broad disk. But this Hubble Space Telescope field of view spans about 7,000 light-years or so across M94's central region. The sharp close-up examines the galaxy's compact, bright nucleus and prominent inner dust lanes, surrounded by a remarkable bluish ring of young, massive stars. The massive stars in the ring appear to be less than about 10 million years old, indicating the galaxy experienced a corresponding well-defined era of rapid star formation. As a result, while the small, bright nucleus is typical of the Seyfert class of active galaxies, M94 is also known as a starburst galaxy. Because M94 is relatively nearby, astronomers can explore in detail reasons for the galaxy's burst of star formation. Today's Coverage: Moon Landing
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