Seven Sisters versus California

來源:Todd Anderson|發表日期:2025-03-05
右邊身著藍衣的是昴宿星團。 昴宿星團也被稱為七姊妹星和 M 45 ,是天空中最亮、最容易看到的疏散星團之一。昴宿星團包含 3000 多顆恆星,距離約 400 光年,直徑只有 13 光年。在這些恆星的周圍,有一個由細小塵埃組成的藍色反射星雲,非常壯觀。 一個常見的傳說是,自從該星團被命名以來,其中一顆較亮的恆星就逐漸消失了。左邊閃耀著紅色光芒的是加州星雲。 加州星雲因其形狀而得名,比昴宿星團暗淡得多,因此也更難看到。 它也被稱為 NGC 1499 ,是一團紅色的氫氣團,距離我們大約 1500 光年。雖然它們之間可以容納大約 25 顆滿月,但這幅廣角深景合成影像卻同時捕捉到了它們。 仔細觀察深場影像,還能發現恆星形成區 IC 348 和分子云 LBN 777 (小鷹星雲)。 在宇宙中跳躍隨機 APOD 生成器
原文:On the right, dressed in blue, is the Pleiades. Also known as the Seven Sisters and M45, the Pleiades is one of the brightest and most easily visible open clusters on the sky. The Pleiades contains over 3,000 stars, is about 400 light years away, and only 13 light years across. Surrounding the stars is a spectacular blue reflection nebula made of fine dust. A common legend is that one of the brighter stars faded since the cluster was named. On the left, shining in red, is the California Nebula. Named for its shape, the California Nebula is much dimmer and hence harder to see than the Pleiades. Also known as NGC 1499, this mass of red glowing hydrogen gas is about 1,500 light years away. Although about 25 full moons could fit between them, the featured wide angle, deep field image composite has captured them both. A careful inspection of the deep image will also reveal the star forming region IC 348 and the molecular cloud LBN 777 (the Baby Eagle Nebula). Jump Around the Universe: Random APOD Generator
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