關於 VdB 31 的思考
Reflections on VdB 31
來源:Roberto Marinoni|發表日期:2025-02-13
美麗的藍色 VdB 31 位於御夫座的高處,是 Sidney van den Bergh 1966 年星雲表中的第 31 個天體。它與愛德華-E-巴納德(Edward E. Barnard) 1919 年的天體暗記星表中記錄的遮蔽性黑雲 B 26 、B 27 和 B 28 共同組成了這幅精美的天體靜物畫。所有這些星雲都是星際塵埃雲。巴納德的暗星雲阻擋了背景恆星的光線。對於VdB 31 來說,塵埃更傾向於反射來自嵌入的炙熱變星AB Aurigae 的藍色星光。哈勃太空望遠鏡對AB Aurigae 周圍環境的探測顯示,這顆年輕了幾百萬年的恆星本身被一個扁平的塵埃盤包圍著,有證據表明它正在形成一個行星系統。AB Aurigae 距離地球約 470 光年。在這個距離上,這塊宇宙畫布的跨度大約為 8 光年。
原文:Riding high in the constellation of Auriga, beautiful, blue VdB 31 is the 31st object in Sidney van den Bergh's 1966 catalog of reflection nebulae. It shares this well-composed celestial still life with dark, obscuring clouds B26, B27, and B28, recorded in Edward E. Barnard's 1919 catalog of dark markings in the sky. All are these nebulae are interstellar dust clouds. Barnard's dark nebulae block the light from background stars. For VdB 31 the dust preferentially reflects bluish starlight from embedded, hot, variable star AB Aurigae. Exploring the environs of AB Aurigae with the Hubble Space Telescope has revealed the several million year young star is itself surrounded by a flattened dusty disk with evidence for the ongoing formation of a planetary system. AB Aurigae is about 470 light-years away. At that distance this cosmic canvas would span about eight light-years.
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