Nacreous Clouds over Sweden
來源:Known as nacreous
生動而富有光澤的彩虹色波浪蕩漾在瑞典北部的天際。這種雲被稱為珍珠雲或珍珠母雲,非常罕見。但 1 月 12 日,太陽剛剛露出地平線,這張快照就捕捉到了它們令人難忘的外觀。它們是極地平流層雲的一種,形成的原因是通常無雲的下平流層異常寒冷的溫度形成了冰晶。在 15 到 25 千米的高空,這些雲層仍能照射到陽光,即使太陽被遮擋住,它們也能衍射陽光。
原文:Vivid and lustrous, wafting iridescent waves of color wash across this skyscape from northern Sweden. Known as nacreous clouds or mother-of-pearl clouds, they are rare. But their unforgettable appearance was captured in this snapshot on January 12 with the Sun just below the local horizon. A type of polar stratospheric cloud, they form when unusually cold temperatures in the usually cloudless lower stratosphere form ice crystals. Still sunlit at altitudes of around 15 to 25 kilometers, the clouds diffract the sunlight even when the Sun itself is hidden from direct view.
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