G 3 ATLAS 彗星:尾巴和望遠鏡
Comet G3 ATLAS: a Tail and a Telescope

來源:Yuri Beletsky|發表日期:2025-01-24
C/ 2024 G 3 ATLAS 彗星戲劇性地出現在地球的天空中。這顆彗星來自遙遠的奧爾特雲,於 1 月 13 日到達近日點。 1 月 19 日,這顆明亮的彗星從位於智利阿塔卡馬沙漠的歐空局帕拉納爾天文臺被拍攝到。這顆 ATLAS 彗星有著壯觀的橫掃塵尾,正在南半球黃昏時分落下,肉眼清晰可見。前景是天文臺著名的輔助望遠鏡之一的封閉外殼。這顆彗星明亮的彗尾已經變得模糊不清,它的冰核在接近太陽後顯然已經解體。 成長相簿:阿特拉斯彗星(G 3 )
原文:Comet C/2024 G3 ATLAS has made a dramatic appearance in planet Earth's skies. A visitor from the distant Oort Cloud, the comet reached its perihelion on January 13. On January 19, the bright comet was captured here from ESO Paranal Observatory in the Atacama desert in Chile. Sporting spectacular sweeping dust tails, this comet ATLAS is setting in the southern hemisphere twilight and was clearly visible to the unaided eye. In the foreground is the closed shell of one of the observatory's famous auxiliary telescopes. Still wowing southern hemisphere observers, the comet's bright coma has become diffuse, its icy nucleus apparently disintegrating following its close approach to the Sun. Growing Gallery: Comet ATLAS (G3)
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