巴西利亞上空的 ATLAS 彗星
Comet ATLAS over Brasília

天空中是什麼?在城市上空,在大多數雲層之上,在遙遠的地方:那是一顆彗星。圖為四天前從巴西巴西利亞拍攝到的 C/ 2024 G 3 (ATLAS)彗星令人印象深刻的尾巴。上週,這顆不斷演變的彗星在水星軌道內繞日一週,距離如此之近,早期人們擔心它可能會解體--而最近的證據表明它確實解體了。 在接近近日點的時候,ATLAS 彗星非常明亮,甚至有細心的觀測者在白天--在太陽附近明亮的天空中--報告了看到彗星的情況。 在過去的幾天裡,ATLAS 彗星出現了一條長長的尾巴,在日落後,用肉眼就能看到它的一部分,尤其是在地球的南半球。 成長相簿:ATLAS 彗星(G 3 )
原文:What's that in the sky? Above the city, above most clouds, far in the distance: it's a comet. Pictured, the impressive tail of Comet C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) was imaged from Brasília, Brazil four days ago. Last week the evolving comet rounded the Sun well inside the orbit of planet Mercury, going so close there was early concern that it might break up -- and recent evidence that it really did. At one point near perihelion, Comet ATLAS was so bright that sightings were even reported during the day -- over the bright sky near the Sun -- by careful observers. Over the past few days, Comet ATLAS has developed a long tail that has been partly visible with unaided eyes after sunset, most notably in Earth's southern hemisphere. Growing Gallery: Comet ATLAS (G3)
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