Titan Touchdown: Huygens Descent Movie
登陸土星的衛星土衛六會是什麼樣子?歐洲航天局的惠更斯號探測器於 2005 年降落在太陽系中雲層最厚的衛星上,並製作了一段關於其降落畫面的延時影片。惠更斯號在 2004 年底進入土星軌道後不久就與機器人卡西尼號太空船分離,並開始接近土衛六。到達土衛六後的兩個小時裡,惠更斯號一直向土衛六表面墜落,起初只記錄下了被籠罩的月球不透明的大氣層。很快,這個電腦化的卡車輪胎大小的探測器打開了降落傘,減緩了下降速度,穿透了厚厚的雲層,開始傳輸遠在下方的一個從未在可見光下見過的奇異表面的影像。在一片乾涸的海洋中著陸並存活了 90 分鐘後,"惠根 "號傳回了獨特的影像,影像中是一片奇特的平原,深色的沙質土壤中散佈著光滑、明亮、拳頭大小的冰岩。
原文:What would it look like to land on Saturn's moon Titan? The European Space Agency's Huygens probe set down on the Solar System's cloudiest moon in 2005, and a time-lapse video of its descent images was created. Huygens separated from the robotic Cassini spacecraft soon after it achieved orbit around Saturn in late 2004 and began approaching Titan. For two hours after arriving, Huygens plummeted toward Titan's surface, recording at first only the shrouded moon's opaque atmosphere. The computerized truck-tire sized probe soon deployed a parachute to slow its descent, pierced the thick clouds, and began transmitting images of a strange surface far below never before seen in visible light. Landing in a dried sea and surviving for 90 minutes, Huygen's returned unique images of a strange plain of dark sandy soil strewn with smooth, bright, fist-sized rocks of ice.
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