Full Moon, Full Mars

來源:On January 13|發表日期:2025-01-18
1 月 13 日,滿月和滿月火星近在咫尺,都很明亮,在地球的天空中與太陽相對。事實上,從北美和非洲西北部的一些地方看去,火星被掩星,從月球背後穿過。 從美國弗吉尼亞州里士滿看到的這組合成影像序列,記錄了這一備受矚目的天象之前、期間和之後的晚間月掩現象。該望遠鏡時間序列是在月球掩星事件發生的幾個小時內跟蹤月球時每兩分鐘曝光一次而形成的。因此,由於月球的視運動速率略有不同,這顆紅色星球的軌跡似乎遵循著一條緩緩彎曲的路徑。下一次月掩明亮的火星將是在 2 月 9 日,屆時月亮正處於臘月吉卜賽相。不過,月球掩星只能從地球表面的一小部分看到。從俄羅斯、中國、加拿大東部、格陵蘭島和其他(主要是北部)地區的部分地區可以看到 2 月 9 日的火星掩星,但從地球上可以更廣泛地看到明亮的月球與火星的近距離會合。 成長相簿: 2025 年 1 月的月掩火星天象
原文:On January 13 a Full Moon and a Full Mars were close, both bright and opposite the Sun in planet Earth's sky. In fact Mars was occulted, passing behind the Moon, when viewed from some locations in North America and northwest Africa. As seen from Richmond, Virginia, USA, this composite image sequence follows the evening lunar occultation before, during, and after the much anticipated celestial spectacle. The telescopic time series is constructed from an exposure made every two minutes while tracking the Moon over the hours encompassing the event. As a result, the Red Planet's trajectory seems to follow a gently curved path due to the Moon's slightly different rate of apparent motion. The next lunar occultation of bright planet Mars will be on February 9 when the moon is in a waxing gibbous phase. Lunar occultations are only ever visible from a fraction of the Earth's surface, though. The February 9 occultation of Mars will be seen from parts of Russia, China, eastern Canada, Greenland and other (mostly northern) locations, but a close conjunction of a bright Moon with Mars will be more widely visible from planet Earth. Growing Gallery: Moon-Mars Occultation in January 2025
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