Wolf Moon Engulfs Mars

來源:Imran Sultan|發表日期:2025-01-15
月球曾經吞噬過火星嗎?是的,但僅限於它移動到火星前面的情況,這種情況很少發生。 不過這種情況就發生在昨天,從北美和非洲西部的一些地方可以看到。 這次掩星之所以引人注目,不僅因為月亮是一個完全點亮的狼月,還因為火星接近其最大和最亮的位置,明天才會移動到對沖點--在其軌道上離地球最近的位置。 吞噬,更正式的說法是掩星,通常持續約一小時。這張照片是在美國伊利諾伊州芝加哥附近拍攝的,當時地球上最大的衛星正以一定角度遠離這顆更遙遠的紅色行星。我們的月球偶爾會移動到太陽系所有行星的前面。 鑑於軌道平面的暫時對齊,下一次月球與火星發生日食將是相對較近的 2 月 9 日。 成長相簿: 2025 年 1 月月食火星
原文:Does the Moon ever engulf Mars? Yes, but only in the sense that it moves in front, which happens on rare occasions. This happened just yesterday, though, as seen from some locations in North America and western Africa. This occultation was notable not only because the Moon was a fully lit Wolf Moon, but because Mars was near its largest and brightest, moving to opposition -- the closest to the Earth in its orbit -- only tomorrow. The engulfing, more formally called an occultation, typically lasting about an hour. The featured image was taken from near Chicago, Illinois, USA just as Earth's largest satellite was angularly moving away from the much more distant red planet. Our Moon occasionally moves in front of all of the Solar System's planets. Given the temporary alignment of orbital planes, the next time our Moon eclipses Mars will be a relatively soon February 9. Growing Gallery: Moon-Mars Occultation in January 2025
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