Comet ATLAS Before Sunrise

來源:Petr Horalek /
Institute of Physics in Opava|發表日期:2025-01-13
ATLAS 彗星現在非常明亮,但也非常接近太陽。在太陽的光輝之外,C/ 2024 G 3 (ATLAS)彗星將是近年來最引人注目的彗星之一,它反射給地球的陽光與 10 月份的月琴山-ATLAS 彗星一樣多,現在甚至可以與金星相媲美。但這顆巨大的雪球現在離太陽如此之近,以至於只能透過清晨黎明或傍晚黃昏的光線才能看到它。今天,ATLAS 彗星正處於近日點--距離太陽最近的時刻。 雖然彗星未來的亮度很難預測,但ATLAS 彗星仍有希望在接近太陽的過程中存活下來,並在接下來的幾天裡保持足夠的亮度供人們用肉眼觀測--並有可能在數週內成為一顆出色的相機彗星。這張照片是昨天清晨在斯洛伐克托爾納利亞附近拍攝的。 明天:紐約業餘天文學家協會主辦的變焦 APOD 講座
原文:Comet ATLAS is really bright now, but also really close to the Sun. Outside the glow of the Sun, Comet C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) would be one of the more remarkable comet sights of recent years, reflecting about as much sunlight to Earth as Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS did in October, and now rivaling even planet Venus. But the giant snowball is now so close to the Sun that it can only be seen through the light of the early morning dawn or the early evening dusk. Today, Comet ATLAS is at perihelion -- its closest ever to the Sun. Although the future brightness of comets is notoriously hard to predict, there is hope that Comet ATLAS will survive its close pass near the Sun and remain bright enough to be seen with the unaided eye over the next few days -- and possibly a good camera comet for weeks. The featured image was taken early yesterday morning near Tornaľa, Slovakia. Tomorrow: Zoom APOD Lecture hosted by the Amateur Astronomers of Association of New York
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