An Evening Sky Full of Planets

來源:Dario Giannobile|發表日期:2025-01-11
在這幅傍晚的天景圖中,太陽系的行星隊伍中只缺少了水星。明亮的火星幾乎與太陽相對,位於最左側。其他肉眼可見的行星木星、土星和金星也清晰可見,太暗的天王星和海王星的位置標在黃道面的弧形軌跡附近。最右邊靠近日落後西方地平線的是一輪年輕的新月,其表面部分被地光照亮。 在 1 月 2 日拍攝的合成全景圖的前景中,埃特納火山下部的西爾維斯特里環形山代表了地球。當然,在整個 1 月份,地球的清晨天空都充滿了行星。 1 月 13 日,對於美國大陸和加拿大東部的天空觀測者來說,一輪近乎滿月的月亮將從火星前方劃過。
原文:Only Mercury is missing from a Solar System parade of planets in this early evening skyscape. Rising nearly opposite the Sun, bright Mars is at the far left. The other naked-eye planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus, can also be spotted, with the the position of too-faint Uranus and Neptune marked near the arcing trace of the ecliptic plane. On the far right and close to the western horizon after sunset is a young crescent Moon whose surface is partly illuminated by earthshine. In the foreground of the composite panorama captured on 2 January, planet Earth is represented by Mount Etna's lower Silvestri Crater. Of course Earth's early evening skies are full of planets for the entire month of January. On 13 January, a nearly Full Moon will appear to pass in front of Mars for skywatchers in the continental U.S. and Eastern Canada.
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