Young Stars, Dark Nebulae

來源:Long Xin|發表日期:2025-01-10
在金牛座的一個不起眼的區域裡,就有這些黑暗而塵土飛揚的星雲。在這個場景中,散佈著多個恆星系統的恆星,它們正在大約 450 光年外的金牛座分子云團中形成。這些恆星年輕數百萬年,仍處於恆星青春期,亮度不一,處於引力坍縮的後期階段。它們被稱為 T-Tauri 級恆星,往往比較暗淡,在影像中呈現淡黃色。V 773 (又名 HD 283447 )是金牛座最亮的 T-Tauri 星之一,它位於超過 1 度的望遠鏡框架中心附近。頂部是天空中密集的暗色標記,被編入巴納德 209 號星表。
原文:An unassuming region in the constellation Taurus holds these dark and dusty nebulae. Scattered through the scene, stars in multiple star systems are forming within their natal Taurus molecular cloud complex some 450 light-years away. Millions of years young and still going through stellar adolescence, the stars are variable in brightness and in the late phases of their gravitational collapse. Known as T-Tauri class stars they tend to be faint and take on a yellowish hue in the image. One of the brightest T-Tauri stars in Taurus, V773 (aka HD283447) is near the center of the telescopic frame that spans over 1 degree. Toward the top is the dense, dark marking on the sky cataloged as Barnard 209.
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