Supernova Remnants Big and Small

來源:Stéphane Vetter
(Nuits sacrées)|發表日期:2025-01-08
恆星爆炸後會發生什麼? 巨大的熱氣火球向四面八方噴射而出。 當這些氣體撞擊到現有的星際介質時,就會急劇升溫,發出耀眼的光芒。在摩洛哥歐凱梅登天文臺拍攝的這張照片中,可以看到兩個不同的超新星殘骸(SNR)。 左上方的藍色足球狀星雲是 SNR G 179 . 0 + 02 . 6 ,似乎是較小的那個。 這顆超新星距離地球約 1 . 1 萬光年,大約在 5 萬年前爆炸。雖然主要由氫氣組成,但藍光是由微量的氧氣發出的。 位於畫面右下方的看似更大的超新星環是義大利麵條星雲,它被編入了 Simeis 147 和 sh 2 - 240 。 這顆超新星距離我們只有大約 3000 光年,在大約 4 萬年前爆炸。相對來說,儘管它們看起來大小不同,但這兩個超新星殘骸不僅年齡大致相同,而且大小也差不多。
原文:What happens after a star explodes? A huge fireball of hot gas shoots out in all directions. When this gas slams into the existing interstellar medium, it heats up so much it glows. Two different supernova remnants (SNRs) are visible in the featured image, taken at the Oukaïmeden Observatory in Morocco. The blue soccer ball-looking nebula toward the upper left is SNR G179.0+02.6, which appears to be the smaller one. This supernova, about 11,000 light years distant, detonated about 50,000 years ago. Although composed mostly of hydrogen gas, the blue light is emitted by a trace amount of oxygen. The seemingly larger SNR, dominating the lower right of the frame, is the Spaghetti Nebula, cataloged as Simeis 147 and sh2-240. This supernova, only about 3,000 light years away, exploded about 40,000 years ago. Comparatively, even though they appear different sizes, both supernova remnants are not only roughly the same age, but about the same size, too.
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