Eclipse Pair

來源:Josh Dury|發表日期:2025-01-03
日食往往成雙成對。每年兩次,在持續約 34 天的食季中,太陽、月亮和地球會幾乎對齊。然後,相隔 14 多天的滿月和新月相會產生月食和日食。但只有極少數情況下,在一個食季中,新月和滿月的相位會接近到足以產生一對月全食(或月全食和日環食)。更多時候,月偏食也是食季的一部分。事實上, 2024 年的上一個食季就發生了這對相隔兩星期的食: 9 月 18 日的月偏食和 10 月 2 日的日環食。延時合成影像是從英國薩默塞特(左)和地球拉帕努伊拍攝的。在 2025 年的食季, 3 月 14 日將發生月全食, 3 月 29 日將發生日偏食; 9 月 8 日將發生月全食, 9 月 21 日將發生日偏食。
原文:clipses tend to come in pairs. Twice a year, during an eclipse season that lasts about 34 days, Sun, Moon, and Earth can nearly align. Then the full and new phases of the Moon, separated by just over 14 days, create a lunar and a solar eclipse. But only rarely is the alignment at both new moon and full moon phases during a single eclipse season close enough to produce a pair with both total (or a total and an annular) lunar and solar eclipses. More often, partial eclipses are part of any eclipse season. In fact, the last eclipse season of 2024 produced this fortnight-separated eclipse pair: a partial lunar eclipse on 18 September and an annular solar eclipse on 2 October. The time-lapse composite images were captured from Somerset, UK (left) and Rapa Nui planet Earth. The 2025 eclipse seasons will see a total lunar eclipse on 14 March paired with a partial solar eclipse on 29 March, and a total lunar eclipse on 8 September followed by a partial solar eclipse on 21 September.
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