NGC 4753 的扭曲星盤
The Twisted Disk of NGC 4753

你覺得這是什麼? 線索是:它比麵包盒還大。大得多。答案就是圖中的NGC 4753 是一個扭曲的盤狀星系,其中不尋常的暗色塵絲提供了關於它歷史的線索。沒有人確定發生了什麼,但一個主要的模型認為,一個相對正常的盤狀星系在旋轉時,用引力撕裂了一個多塵的衛星星系,而它的前向運動扭曲了吸積碎片的平面。 據推測,宇宙碰撞開始於大約 10 億年前。 NGC 4753 是從側面看的,從頂部看可能是一個普通的螺旋星系。 明亮的橙色光暈是由許多較老的恆星組成的,這些恆星可能是暗物質的蹤跡。這張哈勃影像最近經過重新處理,突出了紫外線和紅光輻射。 APOD 年度回顧:美國國家航空航天局(NASA) 2024 年夜空網路介紹
原文:What do you think this is? Here’s a clue: it's bigger than a bread box. Much bigger. The answer is that pictured NGC 4753 is a twisted disk galaxy, where unusual dark dust filaments provide clues about its history. No one is sure what happened, but a leading model holds that a relatively normal disk galaxy gravitationally ripped apart a dusty satellite galaxy while its precession distorted the plane of the accreted debris as it rotated. The cosmic collision is hypothesized to have started about a billion years ago. NGC 4753 is seen from the side, and possibly would look like a normal spiral galaxy from the top. The bright orange halo is composed of many older stars that might trace dark matter. The featured Hubble image was recently reprocessed to highlight ultraviolet and red-light emissions. APOD Year in Review: NASA Night Sky Network Presentation for 2024
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