M 27 :啞鈴星雲
M27: The Dumbbell Nebula

來源:Christopher Stobie|發表日期:2024-12-30
我們的太陽會變成這樣嗎?很有可能。 1764 年,我們無意中發現了太陽未來的第一個蛛絲馬跡。當時,查爾斯-梅西耶(Charles Messier)正在編制一份不能與彗星混淆的瀰漫天體列表。Messier 列表中的第 27 個天體,現在被稱為M 27 或啞鈴星雲,是一個行星狀星雲,是天空中最亮的行星狀星雲之一,用雙筒望遠鏡可以看到狐狸座(狐狸座)的方向。從 M 27 到我們這裡需要大約 1000 年的時間,這裡的光是由硫(紅色)、氫(綠色)和氧(藍色)發出的。我們現在知道,在大約 60 億年後,我們的太陽將脫落其外部氣體,變成一個像 M 27 一樣的行星狀星雲,而其剩餘的中心將變成一顆 X 射線熱白矮星。 不過,瞭解 M 27 的物理原理和意義已經遠遠超出了 18 世紀的科學範疇。即使在今天,關於行星狀星雲的許多事情仍然是神秘的,包括它們錯綜複雜的形狀是如何形成的。 APOD 年度回顧: 2024 年夜空網路演示
原文:Is this what will become of our Sun? Quite possibly. The first hint of our Sun's future was discovered inadvertently in 1764. At that time, Charles Messier was compiling a list of diffuse objects not to be confused with comets. The 27th object on Messier's list, now known as M27 or the Dumbbell Nebula, is a planetary nebula, one of the brightest planetary nebulas on the sky and visible with binoculars toward the constellation of the Fox (Vulpecula). It takes light about 1000 years to reach us from M27, featured here in colors emitted by sulfur (red), hydrogen (green) and oxygen (blue). We now know that in about 6 billion years, our Sun will shed its outer gases into a planetary nebula like M27, while its remaining center will become an X-ray hot white dwarf star. Understanding the physics and significance of M27 was well beyond 18th century science, though. Even today, many things remain mysterious about planetary nebulas, including how their intricate shapes are created. APOD Year in Review: Night Sky Network Presentation for 2024
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