A December Winter Night

來源:Włodzimierz Bubak|發表日期:2024-12-28
在這幅深邃的天景圖中,獵戶座似乎側著身子爬上了遠處的山脈。這個寒冷的場景是在北半球的長至夜從波蘭南部拍攝的。天空中懸掛著一些從未見過的星雲,經過改裝的相機記錄下了紅色氫-阿爾法光。這些星雲位於獵戶座分子云的邊緣附近,與獵人熟悉的腰帶星和明亮的巨星參宿四和參宿七一起。金牛座的牛眼,淡黃色的畢宿五錨定了靠近頂部中心的 V 形ades 星團。太陽系的主宰氣態巨星木星仍然是地平線雪峰上方最明亮的天體燈塔,它接近地球天空的對角線。
原文:Orion seems to come up sideways, climbing over a distant mountain range in this deep skyscape. The wintry scene was captured from southern Poland on the northern hemisphere's long solstice night. Otherwise unseen nebulae hang in the sky, revealed by the camera modified to record red hydrogen-alpha light. The nebulae lie near the edge of the Orion molecular cloud and join the Hunter's familiar belt stars and bright giants Betelgeuse and Rigel. Eye of Taurus the Bull, yellowish Aldebaran anchors the V-shaped Hyades star cluster near top center. Still, near opposition in planet Earth's sky, the Solar System's ruling gas giant Jupiter is the brightest celestial beacon above this horizon's snowy peaks.
※ 本文由萌芽機器人自動轉貼自每日一天文圖(Astronomy Picture of the Day,APOD),原文為英文,正體中文是透過 DeepL 翻譯及 OpenCC 進行自動處理,內容僅供參考,若有任何錯誤之處還請見諒!