Geminid Meteors over a Snowy Forest
來源:Jakub Kuřák|發表日期:2024-12-15
流星已經從雙子座流出。 這在意料之中,因為 12 月中旬正是雙子座流星雨的時間。 如圖所示,在週六清晨的幾個小時裡,我們在波蘭的一片雪林中連續增加曝光,捕捉到了二十多顆流星。這些轉瞬即逝的流星條紋在右上方接近滿月的喧鬧聲中顯得格外明亮。這些條紋都可以追溯到天空中的一個點,這個點被稱為 "輻射點",指向影像中心的亮星 Pollux 和 Castor。雙子座流星的起源是小行星 3200 Phaethon 在穿過太陽系內部的橢圓軌道時排出的沙粒大小的碎片。 拼圖挑戰:每日天文拼圖
原文:Meteors have been flowing out from the constellation Gemini. This was expected, as mid-December is the time of the Geminid Meteor Shower. Pictured here, over two dozen meteors were caught in successively added exposures taken over several hours early Saturday morning from a snowy forest in Poland. The fleeting streaks were bright enough to be seen over the din of the nearly full Moon on the upper right. These streaks can all be traced back to a point on the sky called the radiant toward the bright stars Pollux and Castor in the image center. The Geminid meteors started as sand sized bits expelled from asteroid 3200 Phaethon during its elliptical orbit through the inner Solar System. Jigsaw Challenge: Astronomy Puzzle of the Day
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