阿波羅 17 號月船
Apollo 17's Moonship
阿波羅 17 號的登月艙 "挑戰者號 "看起來笨拙而稜角分明,是為在近乎真空的太空中飛行而設計的。 這張從阿波羅 17 號指揮艙 "美國 "號上拍攝的照片經過數字增強和再處理,顯示了挑戰者號在月球軌道上的上升階段。小型反作用力控制推進器位於月船兩側,下面是上升火箭發動機的喇叭口。前部是通往月球表面的艙門,頂部是圓形雷達天線。透過三角形視窗可以清楚地看到任務指揮官吉恩-塞爾南。這艘飛船表現出色,於 1972 年 12 月在月球上著陸,並將阿波羅宇航員送回軌道指揮艙。那麼挑戰者號現在在哪裡呢?它的下降級仍留在金牛座-利特羅山谷的阿波羅 17 號著陸點。圖中的上升級是在宇航員返回地球前從指令艙中跳出後,故意在附近墜毀的。
原文:Awkward and angular looking, Apollo 17's lunar module Challenger was designed for flight in the near vacuum of space. Digitally enhanced and reprocessed, this picture taken from Apollo 17's command module America shows Challenger's ascent stage in lunar orbit. Small reaction control thrusters are at the sides of the moonship with the bell of the ascent rocket engine underneath. The hatch allowing access to the lunar surface is seen at the front, with a round radar antenna at the top. Mission commander Gene Cernan is clearly visible through the triangular window. This spaceship performed gracefully, landing on the Moon and returning the Apollo astronauts to the orbiting command module in December of 1972. So where is Challenger now? Its descent stage remains at the Apollo 17 landing site in the Taurus-Littrow valley. The ascent stage pictured was intentionally crashed nearby after being jettisoned from the command module prior to the astronauts' return to planet Earth.
※ 本文由萌芽機器人自動轉貼自每日一天文圖(Astronomy Picture of the Day,APOD),原文為英文,正體中文是透過 DeepL 翻譯及 OpenCC 進行自動處理,內容僅供參考,若有任何錯誤之處還請見諒!