M 51 :潮汐溪流和 H-阿爾法懸崖
M51: Tidal Streams and H-alpha Cliffs
來源:The Deep Sky Collective|發表日期:2024-12-13
M 51 是查爾斯-梅西耶(Charles Messier)著名星表中的第 51 個條目,是一對有趣的相互作用的星系。這個大星系也許是螺旋星雲的始祖,它的螺旋結構像漩渦一樣,幾乎可以正面看到,它也被編入了NGC 5194 星表。它的旋臂和塵埃通道橫掃在較小的伴星系NGC 5195 前面。M 51 距今約 3100 萬光年,位於訓練有素的金犬座範圍內,在望遠鏡的直視下顯得模糊不清。但這幅深度極高的影像展示了這對星系的迷人色彩和較暗的潮汐流的驚人細節。這幅影像包含大量窄帶資料,突出顯示了最近在M 51 星系中發現的一大片紅色電離氫氣雲,有人稱之為H-alpha 懸崖。銀河系的前景塵埃雲和遙遠的背景星系都被捕捉到在寬視場檢視中。使用地球上的天文望遠鏡的天體成像儀持續合作,經過 3 周多的曝光時間,繪製出了這幅不斷變化的 M 51 肖像。 觀看: 2024 年雙子座流星雨
原文:An intriguing pair of interacting galaxies, M51 is the 51st entry in Charles Messier's famous catalog. Perhaps the original spiral nebula, the large galaxy with whirlpool-like spiral structure seen nearly face-on is also cataloged as NGC 5194. Its spiral arms and dust lanes sweep in front of its smaller companion galaxy, NGC 5195. Some 31 million light-years distant, within the boundaries of the well-trained constellation Canes Venatici, M51 looks faint and fuzzy to the eye in direct telescopic views. But this remarkably deep image shows off stunning details of the galaxy pair's striking colors and fainter tidal streams. The image includes extensive narrowband data to highlight a vast reddish cloud of ionized hydrogen gas recently discovered in the M51 system and known to some as the H-alpha cliffs. Foreground dust clouds in the Milky Way and distant background galaxies are captured in the wide-field view. A continuing collaboration of astro-imagers using telescopes on planet Earth assembled over 3 weeks of exposure time to create this evolving portrait of M51. Watch: The 2024 Geminid Meteor Shower
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