Aurora around Saturn's North Pole
土星的極光和地球的一樣嗎? 為了幫助回答這個問題,哈勃太空望遠鏡和卡西尼號宇宙飛船在 2017 年 9 月卡西尼號圍繞這顆氣體巨行星的最後一圈軌道上同時監測了土星的北極。 在此期間,土星的傾斜導致其北極從地球上清晰可見。這張特寫圖片是由哈勃拍攝的極光紫外線影像和土星雲層與光環光學影像合成的。 和地球上一樣,土星北部的極光可以在極點周圍形成全部或部分光環。但與地球不同的是,土星極光經常是螺旋狀的--更有可能在午夜和黎明前達到亮度峰值。 與木星極光相比,土星極光似乎與土星內部磁場和附近多變的太陽風有更好的聯絡。 土星的南極光早在 2004 年就被拍到過,當時地球可以清楚地看到土星的南極。 你的天空驚喜 1995 年後
原文:Are Saturn's auroras like Earth's? To help answer this question, the Hubble Space Telescope and the Cassini spacecraft monitored Saturn's North Pole simultaneously during Cassini's final orbits around the gas giant in September 2017. During this time, Saturn's tilt caused its North Pole to be clearly visible from Earth. The featured image is a composite of ultraviolet images of auroras and optical images of Saturn's clouds and rings, all taken by Hubble. Like on Earth, Saturn's northern auroras can make total or partial rings around the pole. Unlike on Earth, however, Saturn's auroras are frequently spirals -- and more likely to peak in brightness just before midnight and dawn. In contrast to Jupiter's auroras, Saturn's auroras appear better related to connecting Saturn's internal magnetic field to the nearby, variable, solar wind. Saturn's southern auroras were similarly imaged back in 2004 when the planet's South Pole was clearly visible to Earth. Your Sky Surprise: What picture did APOD feature on your birthday? (post 1995)
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