Undulatus Clouds over Las Campanas Observatory
來源:Yuri Beletsky|發表日期:2024-11-19
這些雲是怎麼回事? 雖然看起來這些細長的雲層似乎指向山頂,也許那裡有一個世界著名的天文臺,但這只是其中的一部分。就雲層而言,其形成是地球低層大氣中週期性起伏氣流的偶然疊加。起伏雲是 Asperitas 雲的一種,形成於空氣涼爽到足以導致不透明水滴凝結的山頂。 全景圖的廣角性質造成了雲在山頂匯聚的錯覺。 就陸地而言,山頂上確實有一座世界著名的天文臺:位於智利阿塔卡馬沙漠的卡內基科學天文臺拉斯坎帕納斯天文臺。 可以看到的兩個望遠鏡圓頂是 6 . 5 米的麥哲倫望遠鏡。 這幅巧合的美景是一個驚喜,但卻被一位思維敏捷的攝影師在 9 月下旬用手機拍了下來。 您的天空驚喜:在您生日那天,APOD 報道了哪張照片? ( 1995 年後)
原文:What's happening with these clouds? While it may seem that these long and thin clouds are pointing toward the top of a hill, and that maybe a world-famous observatory is located there, only part of that is true. In terms of clouds, the formation is a chance superposition of impressively periodic undulating air currents in Earth's lower atmosphere. Undulatus, a type of Asperitas cloud, form at the peaks where the air is cool enough to cause the condensation of opaque water droplets. The wide-angle nature of the panorama creates the illusion that the clouds converge over the hill. In terms of land, there really is a world-famous observatory at the top of that peak: the Carnegie Science's Las Campanas Observatory in the Atacama Desert of Chile. The two telescope domes visible are the 6.5-meter Magellan Telescopes. The featured coincidental vista was a surprise but was captured by the phone of a quick-thinking photographer in late September. Your Sky Surprise: What picture did APOD feature on your birthday? (post 1995)
※ 本文由萌芽機器人自動轉貼自每日一天文圖(Astronomy Picture of the Day,APOD),原文為英文,正體中文是透過 DeepL 翻譯及 OpenCC 進行自動處理,內容僅供參考,若有任何錯誤之處還請見諒!