A Night Sky over the Tatra Mountains
塔特拉山是斯洛伐克和波蘭之間的天然邊界。塔特拉山是喀爾巴阡山脈中海拔最高的山脈,是天文攝影師的重要目的地。在 5 月份拍攝的這張照片中,我們可以看到銀河系的中心及其兩個著名的恆星託兒所--礁湖星雲和歐米茄星雲--就在塔特拉山的山頂上。恆星託兒所充滿了電離氫,這是形成地球上豐富的水的基本要素。作為所有已知生命形式的基本成分,水是宇宙中的重要元素。我們可以在前景中看到以比亞爾卡河(Bialka River)形式出現的水。 宇宙之門隨機 APOD 生成器
原文:A natural border between Slovakia and Poland is the Tatra Mountains. A prominent destination for astrophotographers, the Tatras are the highest mountain range in the Carpathians. In the featured image taken in May, one can see the center of our Milky Way galaxy with two of its famous stellar nurseries, the Lagoon and Omega Nebula, just over the top of the Tatras. Stellar nurseries are full of ionized hydrogen, a fundamental component for the formation of Earth-abundant water. As a fundamental ingredient in all known forms of life, water is a crucial element in the Universe. Such water can be seen in the foreground in the form of the Bialka River. Portal Universe: Random APOD Generator
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