The Moon Dressed Like Saturn
來源:Francisco Sojuel|發表日期:2024-09-01
土星為什麼看起來這麼大?其實不然--圖中所示的是地球上的前景雲穿過月球前方。月球顯示出輕微的月相,其大部分表面都能透過反射的地球光看到,這就是所謂的達芬奇輝光。太陽從底部直接照亮了明亮的月牙,這意味著太陽一定在地平線以下,因此這張照片是在日出前拍攝的。 這張雙攝照片拍攝於 2019 年 12 月 24 日,也就是月球滑到太陽前面形成日食的前兩天。在前景中,巨大的帕卡亞火山背後,瓜地馬拉小鎮的燈光清晰可見。 您的天空驚喜在您生日那天,APOD 報道了哪張照片? ( 1995 年後)
原文:Why does Saturn appear so big? It doesn't -- what is pictured are foreground clouds on Earth crossing in front of the Moon. The Moon shows a slight crescent phase with most of its surface visible by reflected Earthlight, known as Da Vinci glow. The Sun directly illuminates the brightly lit lunar crescent from the bottom, which means that the Sun must be below the horizon and so the image was taken before sunrise. This double take-inducing picture was captured on 2019 December 24, two days before the Moon slid in front of the Sun to create a solar eclipse. In the foreground, lights from small Guatemalan towns are visible behind the huge volcano Pacaya. Your Sky Surprise: What picture did APOD feature on your birthday? (post 1995)
※ 本文由萌芽機器人自動轉貼自每日一天文圖(Astronomy Picture of the Day,APOD),原文為英文,正體中文是透過 DeepL 翻譯及 OpenCC 進行自動處理,內容僅供參考,若有任何錯誤之處還請見諒!