梅西耶 17 星工廠
Star Factory Messier 17
來源:Gaetan Maxant|發表日期:2024-08-29
附近有一個被稱為梅西耶 17 (Messier 17 )的恆星工廠,位於大約 5500 光年之外,星雲豐富的人馬座中。在這個距離上,這個 1 . 5 度寬的視場跨越了大約 150 光年。在清晰的彩色合成影像中,該區域氣體雲和塵埃雲的微弱細節透過窄帶影像資料突出顯示出來,背景是銀河系中心的恆星。從 M 17 的宇宙氣體和塵埃儲備中已經形成的熾熱大質量恆星所產生的恆星風和高能輻射緩慢地侵蝕著剩餘的星際物質,形成了星雲的洞穴外觀和內部起伏的形狀。M 17 也被稱為 "歐米茄星雲 "或 "天鵝星雲",是宇宙望遠鏡之旅的熱門一站。
原文:A nearby star factory known as Messier 17 lies some 5,500 light-years away in the nebula-rich constellation Sagittarius. At that distance, this 1.5 degree wide field-of-view would span about 150 light-years. In the sharp color composite image faint details of the region's gas and dust clouds are highlighted with narrowband image data against a backdrop of central Milky Way stars. The stellar winds and energetic radiation from hot, massive stars already formed from M17's stock of cosmic gas and dust have slowly carved away at the remaining interstellar material, producing the nebula's cavernous appearance and the undulating shapes within. A popular stop on telescopic tours of the cosmos, M17 is also known as the Omega or the Swan Nebula.
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