Moon Eclipses Saturn
來源:Pau Montplet Sanz|發表日期:2024-08-27
如果土星消失了呢? 有時候,它確實會消失。 不過它並不是真的消失了,只是當我們的月球移動到它前面時,它就從視野中消失了。 就在幾天前,地球上的一大片區域--從秘魯、橫跨大西洋到義大利--都能看到這樣的土星食,更正式的說法是掩星。 這幅彩色圖片是事件發生期間拍攝到的最清晰影像的數字融合,並在相對暗淡的土星和相對明亮的月球之間重新平衡了色彩和相對亮度。土星和相對明亮的月球。 所有曝光都是在掩星前從西班牙加泰羅尼亞的佈雷達拍攝的。在今年餘下的時間裡,每月都會發生月亮食土星的現象。不過,每次都只有晴朗的天空和地球上合適的位置才能看到這一稍縱即逝的事件。 相簿: 2024 年 8 月月球與土星相食
原文:What if Saturn disappeared? Sometimes, it does. It doesn't really go away, though, it just disappears from view when our Moon moves in front. Such a Saturnian eclipse, more formally called an occultation, was visible along a long swath of Earth -- from Peru, across the Atlantic Ocean, to Italy -- only a few days ago. The featured color image is a digital fusion of the clearest images captured during the event and rebalanced for color and relative brightness between the relatively dim Saturn and the comparatively bright Moon. Saturn and the comparative bright Moon. The exposures were all taken from Breda, Catalonia, Spain, just before occultation. Eclipses of Saturn by our Moon will occur each month for the rest of this year. Each time, though, the fleeting event will be visible only to those with clear skies -- and the right location on Earth. Gallery: Moon Eclipses Saturn in August 2024
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