Meteor Borealis
來源:Jason Dain|發表日期:2024-08-16
8 月 12 日,用相機對準幾乎正北方向進行了一次曝光,記錄下了加拿大新斯科舍省哈利法克斯以西夜空中這顆明亮的英仙座流星。流星的熾熱痕跡轉瞬即逝。它似乎穿過了北斗七星--著名的北方小行星和天體廚房用具--的恆星,而閃閃發光的極光(又稱北極光)幕布則在夜幕中翩翩起舞。在今年英仙座流星雨高峰期附近,地球上的極光活動因地磁風暴而增強,讓夜空觀測者倍感驚奇。活躍的太陽耀斑引發了強烈的太空天氣。 相簿: 2024 年英仙座流星雨和極光
原文:A single exposure made with a camera pointed almost due north on August 12 recorded this bright Perseid meteor in the night sky west of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. The meteor's incandescent trace is fleeting. It appears to cross the stars of the Big Dipper, famous northern asterism and celestial kitchen utensil, while shimmering curtains of aurora borealis, also known as the northern lights, dance in the night. Doubling the wow factor for night skywatchers near the peak of this year's Perseid meteor shower auroral activity on planet Earth was enhanced by geomagnetic storms. The intense space weather was triggered by flares from an active Sun. Gallery: Perseid Meteor Shower 2024 and Aurorae
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