Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle
來源:Gerald Rhemann|發表日期:2024-08-08
109 P/Swift-Tuttle 彗星是一顆哈雷型彗星,軌道週期約為 133 年,是公認的年度英仙座流星雨的母體。這顆彗星上一次造訪內太陽系是在 1992 年。當時,肉眼並不容易看到它,但它確實變得足夠明亮,在大多數地方都能用雙筒望遠鏡和小型望遠鏡看到。斯威夫特-塔特爾的綠色彗星、長長的離子尾和塵埃尾的這張令人驚歎的彩色圖片是在 1992 年 11 月 24 日用膠片記錄下來的。那是在這顆大週期彗星最接近地球約 16 天之後。斯威夫特-塔特爾彗星預計將於 2126 年再次在夜空中閃亮登場。與此同時,沿著斯威夫特-塔特爾彗星軌道留下的塵埃狀彗星碎片將繼續被捲起,形成地球上最著名的七月和八月流星雨。
原文:A Halley-type comet with an orbital period of about 133 years, Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle is recognized as the parent of the annual Perseid Meteor Shower. The comet's last visit to the inner Solar System was in 1992. Then, it did not become easily visible to the naked eye, but it did become bright enough to see from most locations with binoculars and small telescopes. This stunning color image of Swift-Tuttle's greenish coma, long ion tail and dust tail was recorded using film on November 24, 1992. That was about 16 days after the large periodic comet's closest approach to Earth. Comet Swift-Tuttle is expected to next make an impressive appearance in night skies in 2126. Meanwhile, dusty cometary debris left along the orbit of Swift-Tuttle will continue to be swept up creating planet Earth's best-known July and August meteor shower.
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